Comprehensive information on Nitrogen Use Efficiency for cereal crop production, N use Efficiency Components of NUE
Moll, R.H., E.J. Kamprath, and W.A. Jackson. 1982. Analysis and interpretation of factors which contribute to efficiency to nitrogen utilization. Agron. J. 74:562-564.
1. Uptake efficiency Eup=Nf/Ns

Unlike the description by Moll et al. (1982), uptake efficiency should be partitioned into two separate components since plant N loss (from flowering to maturity) can be significant.

Fraction of N translocated to the grain should be estimated as Ng/Nf and not Ng/Nt as proposed by Moll et al. (1982) since more N was accumulated in the plant at an earlier stage of growth.

Plants losing significant quantities of N as NH3 would have very high fractions of N translocated to the grain when calculated using Nt instead of Nf.

In terms of plant breeding efforts, this could be a highly misleading statistic.

A second component, the translocation index is proposed that would reflect the ability of a plant genotype or management practice to incorporate N accumulated at flowering into the grain.

2. fraction of N translocated to the grain Et=Ng/Nf

3. translocation index Eti=Ng/Nf * (1/Nl)

Ability of the soil-plant system to utilize outside sources of N for food production (grain or forage) depends on the efficiency of storage in the soil. The efficiency of the soil to supply N to plants is strongly influenced by immobilization and mineralization with changing climate and environment.

Over a growing season, storage efficiency will be equal to the difference between fertilizer N added (Ns) minus maximum plant uptake (Nf) plus the difference between total soil N at the beginning and end of the season, all divided by fertilizer N added.

Esg = [(Ns-Nf)-(St1-St2)]/Ns

4. soil (management system) supply efficiency, Es=Ns/(Sv+Sd+Sl) where Sv, Sd and Sl are estimates of soil volatilization, denitrification and leaching losses from the soil, respectively.

Lastly, a composite estimate of efficiency for the entire system (soil and plant) can be estimated as follows

5. composite system efficiency Ec=Eup*Es=Nf/(Sv+Sd+Sl)

Component Abbreviation Unit
Grain weight Gw kg ha-1
Nitrogen supply (rate of fertilizer N) Ns kg ha-1
Total N in the plant at maturity (grain + stover) Nt kg ha-1
N accumulation after silking Na kg ha-1
N accumulated in grain at harvest Ng kg ha-1
Growth stage where N accumulated is at a maximum, at or near flowering Nf kg ha-1
Total N accumulated in the straw at harvest Nst kg ha-1
Estimate of gaseous loss of N from the plant Nl =Nf-(Ng+Nst) kg ha-1
Flowering uptake efficiency Eup=Nf/Ns
Harvest uptake efficiency (Uptake efficiency) Eha=Nt/Ns
Translocation index (accumulated N at flowering translocated to the grain) Eti =Ng/Nf * (1/Nl)
Soil supply efficiency Es=Ns/(Sv+Sd+Sl)
Composite system efficiency Ec=Eup*Es=Nf/(Sv+Sd+Sl)
Utilization efficiency Gw/Nt
Efficiency of use Gw/Ns
Grain produced per unit of grain N Gw/Ng
Fraction of total N translocated to grain Et=Ng/Nt
Fraction of total N accumulated after silking Na/Nt
Ratio of N translocated to grain to N accumulated after silking Ng/Na


Moll, R.H., E.J. Kamprath, and W.A. Jackson. 1982. Analysis and interpretation of factors which contribute to efficiency to nitrogen utilization. Agron. J. 74:562-564.

Raun, W.R., G.V. Johnson, and R.L. Westerman. 1998. Soil-plant nutrient cycling and environmental quality. Dept. Plant and Soil Sciences. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

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