J. Mosali, Kefyalew Girma, R. K. Teal, K. W.
Freeman, K.L. Martin and W. R. Raun
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, OK 74078
Contribution from the Oklahoma Agricultural
Experiment Station
*Correspondence: William R. Raun, 044 North Ag
Hall, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, OK
74078; Fax: (405) 774 5269; E-mail: wrr@mail.pss.okstate.edu.
To date, the best phosphorus (P) fertilizer use
efficiency is around 16% when knifed or applied with the seed in winter wheat.
Intuitively, one would expect foliar applied P to have higher use efficiencies
than when applied to the soil, but limited information is available concerning
this. Small amounts of P required to correct deficiencies could theoretically be
introduced to the plant by a foliar P application. Nine trials were conducted in
2002, 2003 and 2004 at Lahoma, Lake Carl Blackwell and Perkins, OK to determine
whether foliar applications of P can result in increased winter wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.) grain yields, P uptake and use efficiency. A randomized complete
block design with three replications was used to evaluate 12 treatments
containing varying foliar P rates (0, 1, 2 and 4 kg ha-1 in 2002 and 2003 and
additional 8, 12, 16 and 20 kg ha-1 in 2004 ) with and without pre-plant rates
of 30 kg ha-1. Foliar application of P at Feekes physiological growth stage 7
(two nodes detectable) generally increased grain yields and P uptake versus no
foliar P. Use efficiency was higher when P was applied at Feekes 10.54
(flowering completed). Results from this study suggested that low rates of
foliar applied P might correct mid-season P deficiency in winter wheat, and that
might result in higher P use efficiencies when compared to soil applications.
Foliar P appeared to be more beneficial when yield levels were lower, likely due
to moisture stress.
In many agricultural production systems, P has
been identified as the most deficient essential nutrient after nitrogen (N).
Nutrient inputs into production systems have increased as a result of the need
for high yielding crops to sustain the growing population around the world. In
Oklahoma, phosphate inputs in winter wheat production ranged from 37.91 x 106
kg/ 2.18 x 106 ha in 1997 to 29.88 x 106 kg /1.42 x 106 ha in 2002 (1, 2). Even
though the average is 21 kg ha-1, these inputs may become excessive where there
were already high levels of soil Pleading to many environmental concerns,
especially pollution issues. The most essential function of P is storage and
transfer of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), ADP (adenosine
diphosphate) and the important structural component of nucleic acids, coenzymes,
phospholipids, and nucleotides.
Phosphorus originates from the weathering of
soil minerals and other stable soil geologic materials and exists in both
inorganic and organic forms of which the inorganic fraction is dominant. The
inorganic forms are dominated by hydrous sesquioxides, amorphous crystalline
aluminum and iron phosphates in acidic soils and as calcium phosphates in
alkaline soils. The amount of available soluble P depends on pH, extent of
contact between the precipitated Pand the soil solution, the rate of dissolution
and diffusion of solid phase phosphorus, time of reaction, organic matter
content, temperature and type of clay present. When the available P is less than
the crop requirement, P is applied to the soil in the form of both inorganic and
organic fertilizer.
Although inorganic fertilizers are readily
available, they are slowly converted to unavailable forms due to precipitation.
During early growth stages, plants may utilize the readily available form, while
they compete for the slowly available forms in the later stages of growth.
P fertilizer use efficiency (PUE) averaged 8%
when P was broadcast and incorporated and 16% when P was either knifed with
anhydrous ammonia or applied with the seed in winter wheat (3, 4). Eghball and
Sander (5) reported that 13.8 to 26.4 kg P ha-1 was taken up in corn grain at
yield levels between 4.24 and 8.83 Mg ha-1, and a concentration of 0.31% P.
Similarly, total P taken up in corn grain ranged from 21.4 to 47.4 kg P ha-1 at
yield levels from 8.10 to 14.47 Mg ha-1, or 0.30% P (6). The diffusion
coefficient of P in soil is very low, hence the root zone P is depleted and
plants cannot get it when it is needed (7). Therefore, the utilization of P as a
foliar application becomes increasingly important. The mechanistic processes by
which foliar applied nutrients are taken up are through leaf stomata (8) and
hydrophilic pores within the leaf cuticle (9).
In general, P deficient soils require pre-plant
broadcast-incorporated rates of 11 to 22 kg P ha-1 to correct the deficiency in
either wheat or corn. At a PUE of 16%, this addition results in only 1.7 to 3.5
kg of fertilizer P taken up in the grain. Although the literature does not
provide information on relative efficiencies (soil applied versus foliar applied
P), intuitively, one would expect the foliar applied P to be much higher. Thus,
small amounts required to correct deficiencies can be easily introduced to the
plant by a foliar P application. This approach has been overlooked for decades
because it was assumed that the amounts of fertilizer P required by the crop
were too large to be satisfied by a single foliar application. That assumption
was easily accepted when P fertilizers were first used because soil deficiencies
tended to be greater than today and solution fertilizers were uncommon.
Leach and Hameleers (10) reported that there
was a significant increase in the starch content and cob index but no effect on
dry matter production in maize due to foliar application of P and Zinc. Foliar
applications of KH2PO4 were also found to delay leaf senescence and increase
winter wheat grain yields during hot and dry summers (11, 12). Batten (13) later
reported that net CO2 assimilation, N concentration and chlorophyll content
decreased when wheat leaf P concentration falls below a critical level.
Increased yields in barley were obtained using dilute solutions of foliar P
(14). Barel and Black (15) reported findings in corn that 66% of foliar applied
P to youngest mature leaf in a pot culture experiment as ammonium
triple-phosphate was absorbed within 10 days and 87% of that absorbed was
translocated within that time. However, Harder et al. (16) presented
contradicting results showing that the foliar application of P applied 2 weeks
after silking, significantly reduced grain yields.
Foliar fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium (NPK) can be supplemented with soil applied fertilizers but cannot
replace soil fertilization in the case of maize (17), because demand for P is
1/10 that of N hence, foliar application might be beneficial. Therefore,
correcting the plant's deficiency by foliar application seems plausible. Very
little research has been conducted on the use of P as foliar spray at early
stages of wheat and corn. However, recent work by Benbella and Paulsen (18)
showed that foliar applications after anthesis of 5 to 10 kg KH2PO4 ha-1 (1.1 to
2.2 kg P ha-1) increased wheat grain yields by up to 1 Mg ha-1. Wheat grain
yields are hindered due to senescence of wheat during grain fill. Therefore, to
effectively prolong senescence, P has to be applied during later stages of
growth, which is why foliar application seems particularly promising (18).
Elliott et al. (19) reported a critical P concentration of 0.19 to 0.23% (at 90%
maximum grain yield) in wheat grain. Earlier, Bolland and Paynter (20) reported
that critical P concentration in wheat decreased from 0.91% to 0.23% (in shoot)
with the growing season and 0.27% in grain.
Haloi (21) reported that when initial P
deficiency symptoms appeared 25 days after sowing in wheat, higher doses of
ammonium phosphate as a foliar spray gave the greatest reduction in P deficiency
and highest yields. The efficiency of basal and/or foliar application of P was
found to be similar (22).
The objectives of this study were to determine
whether foliar applications of P can result in increased wheat grain yields and
P uptake, and improve use efficiency.
Three experimental sites were established in
the fall of 2001 at Lahoma (Grant silt loam-fine-silty, mixed thermic Udic
Argiustoll), Lake Carl Blackwell (Port silt loam-fine-silty, mixed, thermic
Cumulic Haplustolls), and Perkins (Teller sandy loam-fine-loamy, mixed, thermic
Udic Argiustoll), Oklahoma for evaluating the response of foliar application of
P in winter wheat for three consecutive years. Initial soil test data is
reported in Table 1.
A completely randomized block design with three
replications was used to evaluate 12 treatments (Description of treatments is
given in Table 2). Plots were 2.43 m by 3.04 m in size. At all sites, a fixed
pre-plant N rate of 80 kg ha-1 was applied using ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3).
Varying foliar P rates of 0, 1, 2 and 4 kg ha-1 were evaluated with and without
pre-plant rates of 30 kg P ha-1 at different growth stages at all three sites in
2002 and 2003. In 2004, the treatment structure was modified to contain
additional foliar P rates of 8, 12, 16 and 20 kg ha-1. Pre-plant P was broadcast
and incorporated using triple superphosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O) for all trials.
Foliar P was applied at Feekes growth stage 7 (second node of stem formed),
Feekes 10.1 (heads emerging) and Feekes 10.54 (flowering completed) (23) in 2002
and 2003, while it was applied at Feekes 7 in 2004 using KH2PO4 solution with a
pulse modulated handheld sprayer.
The winter wheat varieties used were ‘Jagger’
at Lahoma in all years and at Perkins in 2003 and 2004, ‘Custer’ at Lake Carl
Blackwell (2003) and Perkins (2002), and ‘2174’ at Lake Carl Blackwell in 2003
and 2004. Wheat was planted in October in all years. Wheat was harvested with a
Massey Ferguson 8XP experimental combine in June, removing an area of 2.0 x 3.04
m from the center of each plot. It was then weighed and sub sampled for P
analysis. Grain samples were dried in a forced-air oven at 66oC, ground to pass
a 140 mesh sieve (100 μm), and analyzed for total P. The concentration of P in
the wheat grain was determined with a wet acid digestion procedure (24), and
analyzed using a high-resolution inductively coupled plasma spectrophotometer
(Thermo-Jarrell Ash IRIS ICP). Soft winter wheat flour standard reference
material (SRM) (National Institute of Standards and Technology) was used to
evaluate the wet acid digestion procedure of the grain tissue and resulted in
94% recovery of P in the grain.
Phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) in the wheat
grain was calculated based on the following relationship:
All data were subjected to statistical analysis
using SAS/STAT analytical tools (SAS, 2001). Single degree of freedom contrasts
were performed for evaluating the differences in grain yield, grain P
concentration and grain P uptake. The description and number of significant
trials for each contrast are given in Table 3. The PUE data was transformed
before analysis using arc sin variance stabilization method as follows.
PUEtrans = 2*(arc sin √PUE) [2]
Where PUEtrans refers to the transformed PUE
data. Means were detransformed to the original scale for reporting.
Grain Yield
Grain yield significantly varied among
treatments at Lahoma for all trials and at Perkins in 2002. Some single degree
of freedom contrasts were also significant for all trials except at Lake Carl
Blackwell in 2002 (number of total significant contrasts across six trials are
given in (Table 3). Neither overall treatment effects nor single degree of
freedom contrasts were found to be significant at Lake Carl Blackwell in 2002.
Even though this site had high grain yields and the initial soil test results
showed a low extractable P level, no actual P deficiencies were noted for this
specific trial (mean grain yields across 12 treatments are presented in Table
4). Grain yield from plots fertilized with only pre-plant P significantly
exceeded those plots which received only foliar P (Treatment 5 vs. 2,3,4, 9 and
11) in both years at the Perkins site (556 and 746 kg ha-1 increases in yield in
2002 and 2003, respectively). A comparison made between a combination of
pre-plant + foliar P fertilization vs. only 30 kg ha –1 pre-plant rate showed a
630 kg ha –1 increase at Lahoma in 2002 (treatments 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 vs. 5).
Mean grain yields were higher at Lahoma (2002)
by 644 kg ha-1 and Perkins (2003) by 567 kg ha-1 (2003) when 2 kg ha-1 P was
foliar applied at Feekes 7 compared to Feekes 10.54 (treatment 3 vs. 11). At
Lahoma in 2003, the opposite was observed, where 2 kg ha-1 foliar P applied at
Feekes 7 resulted in lower yields than the same rates applied at Feekes 10.54 (a
decrease of 834 kg ha-1).
At Lake Carl Blackwell with no pre-plant P, 2
kg P ha-1 applied at Feekes 10.54 significantly increased yields when compared
to the check and other 0 pre-plant P treatments that received P at Feekes 7 in
2003. This increase was not noted at all sites. At Lake Carl Blackwell and
Lahoma in 2003, it was apparently advantageous to delay applying foliar P until
Feekes 10.54 when compared to Feekes 7. At Lahoma in 2002, foliar P applied at
Feekes 10.1 increased mean grain yield by 513 kg ha-1 compared with that at
Feekes 10.54 (treatment 9 vs. 11), while at Lahoma in 2003 and Lake Carl
Blackwell in 2003, mean grain yield was superior by 1172 and 335 kg ha-1,
respectively at Feekes 10.54 compared with Feekes 10.1. At Lahoma in 2002, 2 kg
ha-1 foliar applied P at Feekes 7 vs. that applied at Feekes 10.1 + 10.54
(Treatment 3 vs. 9and 11) resulted in a grain yield increase of 387 kg ha-1.
Trend analysis of mean grain yields for foliar
P applied at Feekes 7 with no pre-plant P revealed a significant quadratic
relationship between foliar P rates and grain yield at Lahoma in 2002 (Figure 1)
. On the other hand, at a pre-plant rate of 30 kg P ha-1, foliar P at Feekes 7
showed a linear trend at Lahoma in 2002 (Figure 2). In 2004 at this site a
quadratic response was observed for foliar rates up to 8 kg ha-1 where maximum
yields were achieved at 4 kg ha-1( Figure 3).
Grain P Concentration
Much kike grain yield, grain P was high
(>0.31%) at Lake Carl Blackwell in both years and low (0.18%) at Perkins in
2003, while it ranged between 0.20 and 0.26% for the remaining trials (Table 5).
Some contrasts were also significant for this variable (Table 3). At Lahoma in
2002, grain P was higher by 0.017% for P applied pre-plant compared to that
applied as foliar (Treatments 5, 6, 7 and 8 vs. 2, 3, 4, 9 and 11). On the other
hand, the pre-plant + foliar treated plots showed a 0.022 and 0.039% lower grain
P at Lahoma in 2002 and 2003, respectively, compared with only pre-plant treated
plots. Similarly, at Lake Carl Blackwell in 2003, 0.039% more P was measured in
pre-plant + foliar treated plots. At Lake Carl Blackwell in 2002, foliar P
applied at Feekes 7 showed lower grain P concentration than rates applied at
both Feekes 10.1 (Treatment 3 vs. 9) and at Feekes 10.1 + 10.54 (Treatment 3 vs.
9 and 11) by 0.033%, and at Feekes 10.54 (Treatment 3 vs. 11) by 0.031%.
Grain P concentration had a linear relationship
with foliar P rates at Lahoma in 2002, and a quadratic relationship at Lake Carl
Blackwell and Perkins in 2003 at 0 kg ha-1 pre-plant rate (Figure 4). At 30 kg P
ha-1 pre-plant rate, two linear trends, one at Lake Carl Blackwell 2002 and
another at Perkins 2003 (Figure 5) were significant while at Lahoma and Perkins
(Figure 6) in 2002, a quadratic trend was revealed.
Grain P Uptake
Grain P uptake was significant in three of six
trials for 2002 and 2003. The highest was at Lake Carl Blackwell (>13.50 kg
ha-1) and the lowest (<4.32 kg ha-1) was at Perkins in 2002, while it ranged
between 5.29 and 9.80 kg ha-1 for other sites (Table 6). For all trials, one or
more contrasts were significant (Table 3). A trend for increased grain P uptake
was observed when foliar P was applied with pre-plant P (Treatments 5-8) but
this was not consistent over sites. At Lahoma in 2002, 1.17 and 1.68 kg ha-1
more P was taken up when foliar P was applied at Feekes 7 compared with that
applied at Feekes 10.1 and 10.54, respectively. On the other hand, at Lake Carl
Blackwell in 2002, grain P uptake was lower by 2.01 and 2.59 kg ha-1 at Feekes 7
than Feekes 10.1 and 10.54, respectively. At Lahoma in 2003, grain P uptake was
increased by 2.84 and 3.06 kg ha-1 when P was applied at Feekes 10.54 than at
Feekes 7 and 10.1, respectively.
Phosphorus Use Efficiency
Over all sites and years, PUE was higher when P
was foliar applied at 2 kg P ha-1 (Table 7). PUE was as high as 86, 16, and 159%
at Lake Carl Blackwell (2002), Lahoma (2002) and Lahoma (2003), respectively
when 2 kg P ha-1 was foliar applied at Feekes 10.54 (Table 7). On average, PUE
was higher when P was applied at Feekes 7 (39%) and Feekes 10.54 (47%).
Conventional P-soil test correlation utilizes
knowledge that soil deficiencies may be represented as a percentage of the
maximum yield when there is no P deficiency (26). This is appropriate for
soil-applied P as rates do not need to be adjusted for yield level. However,
rates of foliar P need to address uptake deficiencies of the plant, which are
influenced both by potential yield (biomass) and available soil-P.
Grain yield and P concentration were not highly
correlated. The poor correlation between P concentration and grain yield is not
surprising since the role of foliar P on growth of wheat is more on delaying
maturity. P concentrations in plants can be affected by limited P uptake due to
variations in soil moisture status (27), root temperature (28) and various other
environmental factors (29).
Regardless of the method of P application,
response to P fertilization should have been observed across all trials. This is
because initial soil test P levels were all below 100% sufficiency. Despite
this, only 50% of the trials showed significant response to applied P. The
significant grain yield response to P at Lahoma can be explained by the fact
that the soil has a relatively low level of initial soil P compared to the other
two sites. At Lahoma, the number of significant single degree of freedom
comparisons obtained was more than the other two sites (with the exception of
Perkins 2003) owing to the low initial soil P level.
Pre-plant P application consistently increased
grain yield compared with top-dress P. Application of P pre-plant with
supplemental foliar P also resulted in a better grain yield than pre-plant
application in most instances where significance was observed. This suggests
that wheat grain yield can be improved by supplementing P in foliar form when
the plant is in need. Luxurious vegetative growth due to excess supply of N
might induce hidden P hunger and the foliar correction of this hunger would
likely improve yield. Similar explanation was given in high yielding
environments with low soil P supply where foliar application of P helped to
correct deficiencies and maintain higher yield (30). Green and Racz (31)
reported a 300 kg ha-1 grain yield increment of wheat due to foliar P applied to
a P deficient wheat crop.
In plots treated with only foliar rates at
Feekes 7 and flowering, there was an apparent response which indicates that
foliar P in wheat is still a potential option to manage P deficiency in wheat.
Chambers and Devos (32) reported that depending on soil P status, foliar feeding
of small amounts of P after heading increased yields over no P up to 672 kg ha-1
and added up to 538 kg ha-1 to the pre-plant P plots. However, the results were
from trials conducted on a soil testing low in P and one would not expect to see
these large yield increases on higher P fertility soils by foliar fertilization.
Benbella and Paulsen (18) also showed that foliar applications after anthesis of
5 to 10 kg KH2PO4 ha-1 (1.1 to 2.2 kg P ha-1) increased wheat grain yields by up
to 1 Mg ha-1.
The foliar rates considered in this study also
showed apparent grain yield, and PUE increases. The 2004 grain yield data
revealed that an addition of foliar P in excess of 8 kg ha-1 did not improve
grain yield. The results from single degree of freedom comparisons generally
lacked consistency.
Foliar application of P at Feekes 7 was
generally better than applied at Feekes 10.1 or 10.54 in terms of grain yield
and P uptake. The PUE data suggests that 10% more can be achieved if foliar
fertilization is delayed until Feekes 10.54. However, it is preferable to apply
at Feekes 7 since at this stage producers can simultaneously apply both N and P
using the same equipment. In a preliminary foliar rate study made in Virginia,
yield obtained from foliar rates applied at vegetative wheat stages surpassed
that of the foliar rate applied at reproductive stages (33,34 ). Haloi (21)
suggested that the delayed P applications resulted in a “stay green” effect
whereby photosynthesis continued to take place during grain fill and that
without the foliar P, more rapid senescence would be present. In order to
realize any “stay green” benefit, environmental conditions must have been ideal
(no moisture stress) from post flowering to maturity. Whenever plants are under
moisture stress P uptake is reduced (27, 35).
When looking at Tables 4 and 7, data suggests
that increases in grain yield from foliar P generally took place when yield
levels were lower, likely due to increased moisture stress. This would make
sense since P uptake due to contact exchange would be less under moisture
stress, thus enhancing the benefits of foliar P in these years.
Results presented here confirm the beneficial
use of foliar P fertilization in wheat, although the conditions in which this
method would be used should be sought carefully. The Feekes 7 growth stage
identified as the optimum growth stage for foliar P application is also the
stage in which N is applied to avoid yield loss. Consequently, this allows
reduction of cost associated with separate application.
Research on improving uptake of P by wheat
leaves needs to be further studied. This might include study of formulations
that might improve retention and penetration into the wheat leaves. Also,
research has to be directed to see if foliar P applications during early stages
of plant produce significant results. However, increased P use efficiency from
low rates of foliar application was encouraging and will be pursued further.
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