Field Winter Demonstrations of VRT
Covington, OK, Matt Steinert Farms (February 24,
Cherokee, OK, Kenneth Failes (coordinator) (February 26, 2004) |
Why you should attend?
NTech Industries in Stillwater, OK is now
building these applicators for N application in both Winter Wheat and Corn.
The savings for wheat farmers (using this system for topdress N) have
averaged over $18.00/acre from trials conducted in farmer fields. This
is both in increased grain yield and decreased fertilizer N applied.
This system can increase your Nitrogen Use Efficiency from 33 to 55%
literally overnight. Don't miss the chance to see these applicators
run in the field. |
Kenneth Failes Farm, Cherokee, OK, February 26,
Start at 1:30 pmDriving Directions from
1. From the intersection of 11 and 8,
go North 1 mile, and then West on a gravel road, 3/4 mile (farm on the
right) |
Matt Steinert Farms, Covington, OK, February
24, 2004
Start at 1:30 pm
2 miles North on Hwy 74, 2 miles west on
gravel road