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What Can the SBNRC do for you? |
When Can N be
Applied Mid-Season? Using the Sensor Based N Rate Calculator, topdress N rate recommendations can be determined from Feekes 4 to Feekes 6 (see chart below), and between V8 and V12 in corn (Iowa State University, How the Corn Plant Develops). How does Planting Date and Sensing Date Affect N Rate Recommendations? In wheat and corn, the earlier N is applied the better the chances that maximum yields can be achieved. However, with both, the earlier that sensor readings are taken, yield prediction is less accurate. Thus, N rate recommendations are more precise when determined later (Feekes 6 in wheat, and V12 in corn), but the later N is applied, the likelihood of achieving maximum yield (if a deficiency exists) is reduced. The Sensor Based Nitrogen Rate Calculator (SBNRC) is the only free on-line sensor-based N recommendation calculator in the world. This web-based application allows farmers, large and small, developed, and developing to obtain reliable in-season N fertilizer recommendations for corn, spring wheat, winter wheat, sorghum, and bermudagrass without having to take a soil test. All that is required is that farmers place a Nitrogen Rich Strip within each production field, prior to planting. |
S T E M E X T E N S I O N H E A D I N G F L O W E R I N G (WHEAT) R I P E N I N G Reference |