2009 Conference of the Optical Sensing Nitrogen Management Group
Aug 4 - 6, 2009
Beck Agricultural Center
4540 W. Hwy 52
W. Lafayette, IN 47906
![Sensor buggy](20090622-007e.jpg)
View a larger map for the Beck Ag Center.
Welcome to the home page for the 2009 Conference of the Optical Sensing Nitrogen Management Group. The 2009 conference is being hosted by Purdue University and will be held at the Beck Agricultural Center located on the Purdue Agronomy Farm northwest of West Lafayette off Hwy 52. Information about previous conferences can be found at Oklahoma State University's NUE Web site.
Check out these local hotels for lodging accomodations during the conference. The University Plaza Hotel is the closest to the Beck Ag Center; being located on the NW corner of West Lafayette. Other relatively close accomodations would be the Purdue Union Club Hotel on campus, the Hilton Garden Inn on the Levee in West Lafayette, or the Holiday Inn Select in downtown Lafayette.
Program Agenda
Tuesday, 4 August
- 5:00 pm - Tours of Purdue Agronomy Farm
- Meet at the Beck Ag Center
- 7:00 pm - Catered dinner
- Beck Ag Center
Wednesday, 5 August
- 7:00 a.m. - Beck Ag Center open for continental breakfast, peruse posters
- 8:00 a.m. - Conference Welcome
- Jim Camberato, Purdue Univ., 2009 conference coordinator
- 8:15 a.m. - Trimble Outlook for the Future (GreenSeeker)
- Jack Gerhardt, NTech Industries Inc.
- 8:45 a.m. - Topcon Outlook for the Future
- Michael Gomes, Topcon Precision Agriculture
- 9:15 a.m. - AgLeader Outlook for the Future (Crop Circle)
- Roger Zielke, Ag Leader Technology
- 9:45 a.m. - Questions and Discussion
- 10:15 a.m. - Break
- 10:30 a.m. - Reference Strips and Use of Other Site
Information for Improved Rate Decisions
- Larry Hendrickson, John Deere Ag Management Solutions
- 11:15 a.m. - Digital Representation of Soil Properties and
Function – Applications for Nutrient Management
- Philip Owens, Purdue Univ.
- 11:45 a.m. - 10th International Conference on Precision
- Raj Khosla, Colorado State Univ.
- Noon - Catered lunch, peruse posters
- 12:45 p.m. - A Generalized Algorithm for Nitrogen
- John Solie, Oklahoma State Univ.
- 1:30 p.m. -
An Update on Efforts in Kansas to Make Sensor
Based N Recommendations
- Dave Mengel, Kansas State Univ.
- 2:15 p.m. - Break
- 2:45 p.m. - Sensor Based Variable Rate N management in
Mid-Atlantic Cropping Systems
- Joshua M. McGrath, Univ. of Maryland
- 3:30 p.m. -
Optical Sensing Regional Project for Corn. A
Quebec - China Comparative Study
- Nicolas Tremblay, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- 4:00 p.m. - Tastes Great, Less Filling: Comparing Algorithms
for Nitrogen Management
- Robert Mullen, The Ohio State Univ.
- 4:30 p.m. - Open discussion of program
- Jim Camberato, Purdue Univ., 2009 conference coordinator
- 5:00 p.m. - Adjourn for the day, peruse posters
- 7:00 p.m. - Dinner on your own, but room reserved at Bruno's on the Levee (pizza, pasta)
Thursday, 6 August
- 7:00 a.m. - Beck Ag Center open for continental breakfast, peruse posters
- 8:00 a.m. - A Crop and Soil Based Strategy for Sensor-Based
Variable-Rate Nitrogen Management
- John Shanahan, USDA-ARS, Univ. of Nebraska
- 8:45 a.m. - On-farm N Sensor Demos: Lessons Learned and
- Peter Scharf, Univ. of Missouri
- 9:30 a.m. -
Interfacing Sensors with Application Equipment
- Scott T Drummond, USDA-ARS, Missouri
- 10:15 a.m. -
Beltwide Sensor Studies in Cotton
- Brenda Tubana, Louisiana State Univ.
- 10:45 a.m. - Update on Midwest Regional Project
- Robert Mullen, The Ohio State Univ.
- 11:30 a.m. - Discussion of morning program and plans for
next year
- Jim Camberato, Purdue Univ., 2009 conference coordinator
- Noon - Closing remarks and box lunch
Related Links
- 2009 InfoAg Conference (14-16 July 2009, Springfield, Illinois)
- 2010 International Conference on Precision Agriculture (18 - 20 July 2010, Denver, Colorado)
- AgLeader Technologies
- Crop Circle optical sensors (Holland Scientific/AgLeader)
- Farm Works Software
- GreenSeeker optical sensors (NTech Industries/Trimble)
- Oklahoma State Univ. Nitrogen Use Efficiency Web site
- Raven Precision
- Topcon Precision Agriculture
- Trimble Precision Agriculture