Nitrogen Use Efficiency Journal Publications
(on-line), and Precision Agriculture |
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Oklahoma State University H-Index
Journal Article Title (all papers are hyperlinked) |
Senior Author |
2021 |
Improving Winter Wheat Grain YIeld and Nitrogen Use Efficiency using
Nitrogen Application time and rate |
Aula |
2021 |
Active Optical Sensor Measurements and Weather Variables for Predicting
Winter Wheat Grain Yield |
Aula |
2021 |
of Sorghum Emergence and Grain Yield Response to Seeding Density and Plant
Spacing Attained Using the OSU Hand Planter |
Nambi |
2021 |
2020 |
Application in Combination with Inorganic Nitrogen Improves Maize Grain
Yield, Nitrogen Uptake, and Use Efficiency in Temperate Soils |
Omara |
2020 |
Review of Active Optical Sensors for Improving Winter Wheat Nitrogen Use
Efficiency Agronomy |
Aula |
2020 |
Predicting in-season
maize (Zea mays L.) yield potential using crop sensors and climatological
data. Sci. Rep. |
Dhillon |
2020 |
Effect pf Spacing, Planting Methods and Nitrgeon on Maize Grain Yield |
Fornah |
2020 |
Global Warming, A Student Review. Journal of Plant Nutrition. |
Dhillon |
2020 |
Effect of
Topdress N Rates applied based on Growing Degree Days on Winter Wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) Grain Yield (pdf) |
Dhillon |
2020 |
Value of composite NDVI and GDD data in Oklahoma, 1999 to 2018. |
Figueiredo |
2020 |
Changes in Check Plot Yields over Time in Three Long-Term Winter Wheat
Experiments |
Fornah |
2020 |
Variability in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Grain Yield Response to
Nitrogen Fertilization in Long-Term Experiments |
Omara |
2020 |
Effect of winter wheat cultivar on grain yield trend under different
nitrogen management. AGE, https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20017 . |
Aula |
2020 |
Influence of UAN Placement Depth on Grain N and Yield for Winter Wheat in
North Central Oklahoma |
Schlobohm |
2019 |
Influence of
No-Tillage on Soil Organic Carbon, Total Soil Nitrogen, and Winter Wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) Grain Yield |
Omara |
2019 |
Applied use of growing
degree days to refine optimum times for nitrogen stress sensing in winter
wheat (Agron. J. DOI:10.1002agj2.20007) |
Dhillon |
2019 |
Maize (Zea Mays L.) Grain
Yield Response to Methods of Nitrogen Fertilization |
Oyebiyi |
2019 |
No-tillage Improves Winter
Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Grain Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Comm. Soil
Sci. Plant Anal. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2019.1659307 |
Omara, Aula, Oyebiyi |
2019 |
Uptake Efficiency and Total Soil Nitrogen Accumulation in Long-Term Beef
Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer Application |
Omara |
2019 |
World Cereal Nitrogen Use
Efficiency Trends: Review and Current Knowledge |
Omara |
2019 |
Unpredictable Nature of Environment on Nitrogen Supply and Demand, Agron.
J. |
Raun |
2019 |
World Potassium Use Efficiency in Cereal Crops. Agron. J. 111:889-896 |
Dhillon |
2019 |
Influence of applied cattle manure on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
grain yield, soil pH and soil organic carbon. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant
Anal. |
Aula |
2019 |
World Sulfur Use Efficiency for cereal crops. Agron. J.
Aula |
2018 |
2018 |
Hand Planter for the
Developing World: Factor Testing and Refinement Agro. Geosci. Environ.
1:180002 (2018) doi:10.2134/age2018.03.0002 |
Dhillon |
2018 |
Dhital, Sulochana, and William R Raun. 2017. In season application of
nitrogen and sulfur in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Agro. Geosci.
Environ. |
Dhital |
2018 |
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer
source on corn (Zea mays L.) optical sensor response index values in a
rain-fed environment. J. Plant Nutr.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2018.1434202. |
Bushong |
2018 |
Soil Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen, and soil pH, in a Long Term
Continuous Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Experiment. Commun. Soil
Sci. Plant Anal. |
Dhillon, Ramos del Corso |
2017 |
Influence of Droplet Size of
Foliar Applied Nitrogen on Grain Protein Content of Hard Red Winter Wheat.
Crop Forage and Turfgrass Management. doi:10.2134/cftm2016.10.0068
Wyatt |
2017 |
Predicting early season
nitrogen rates of corn using indicator crops. Agron. J. 109:1-8. |
Miller |
2017 |
forage yield and biofuel quality with no-tillage interseeded winter
legumes in the southern Great Plains.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2017.1346669 |
Sutradhar |
2017 |
Can Yield Goals Be
Predicted? Agron. J. 109:5, 2389-2395.
Response to
Reviewers 1 |
Raun |
2017 |
World Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Cereal Crops
Response to
Reviewers 1
Response to Reviewers 2
Response to Reviewers 3
PUE Abstract
to the Editor
Dhillon |
2017 |
Evaluation of drum cavity size
and planter tip on singulation and plant emergence in maize (Zea Mays L.)
Dhillon |
2017 |
Effect of Long-term Beef Manure Application on Soil Test Phosphorus,
Organic Carbon and Winter Wheat Yield. J. Plant Nutr. doi:
Omara |
2016 |
Use of the impact
factor in agriculture. CSA News, Am. Soc. Agron. July issue, Madison, WI |
Raun |
2016 |
Irrigated and
rain-fed maize response to different nitrogen fertilizer application
methods. J. Plant Nutr. 39:1874-1890. |
Bushong |
2016 |
Variability in Optimum Nitrogen Rates for Maize. Agron. J.
108:2165-2173. (doi:10.2134/agronj2016.03.0139)
to Reviewers 1
Response to
Reviewers 2
excel file (all
sites) |
Dhital and Raun |
2016 |
Development of
an in-season estimate of yield potential utilizing optical crop sensors
and soil moisture data for winter wheat. |
Bushong |
2016 |
Effect of Fertilizer
Nitrogen (N) on Soil Organic Carbon, Total N and Soil pH in Long-Term
Continuous Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Commun. Soil Sci. Plant
Anal. DOI: 10.1080/0010364.2016.1147047. |
Aula |
2016 |
Evaluation of mid-season
sensor based nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for winter wheat using
different estimates of yield potential |
Bushong |
2015 |
Algorithms for in-season Nutrient Management in Cereals.
Agron J. 108:(5)
Response to Reviewers |
Franzen |
2015 |
Relationship between mean square errors and wheat grain yields in
long-term experiments. J. Plant Nutr. (Taylor
& Francis) |
Raun |
2014 |
Effect of
irrigation and preplant nitrogen fertilizer source on maize in the
southern Great Plains. Int. J. of Agronomy.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/247835 |
Bushong |
2014 |
Effect of preplant
irrigation, nitrogen fertilizer application timing, and phosphorus and
potassium fertilization on winter wheat grain yield and water use
efficiency. Int. J. of Agronomy.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/312416. |
Bushong |
2014 |
Effect of Seed Distribution and Population on Maize (Zea mays L.) Grain
Yield. Int. J. of Agronomy. |
Chim |
2014 |
By plant
prediction of corn (Zea mays L.) grain yield using height and stalk
diameter. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 46:564-575. |
Kelly |
2014 |
In season prediction of
nitrogen use efficiency and grain protein in winter wheat, Triticum
aestivum L.. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 00:1-15.
DOI:10.1080/00103624.2014.904337 |
Macnack |
2014 |
Hand planter for maize (Zea mays L.) in the developing world.
(J. Plant Nutr.) (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01904167.2015.1022186) |
Omara |
2014 |
Effect of delayed emergence
on corn (Zea mays L.) grain yield. J. Plant Nutr. 37:198-208.
Rutto |
2013 |
Automatic corn plan
location and spacing measurement using laser line-scan technique. Prec.
Agric. 14:478-494. |
Shi |
2013 |
Genetic Yield Potential
Improvement of Semidwarf Winter Wheat in the Great Plains Crop Sci:53,
946-955 |
Battenfield |
2013 |
Use of Optical Sensor Technology
for the Fertilization of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Terra
Latinoamericana 31:95-103 |
Santillano-Cazares |
2013 |
WINTER WHEAT IN OKLAHOMA. 36:749-762. J. Plant Nutr.
Mohammed |
2013 |
Maize grain yield response to variable row nitrogen fertilization. 2013.
JPN, 36:1013-1024. |
Edmonds |
2013 |
Can Oklahoma
Mesonet cumulative evapotranspiration data be accurately predicted
using three interpolation methods? Commun. Soil Sci. Plant
Anal. 44(5).
DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2012.747606 |
Walsh |
2013 |
Relationship between Grain Crop Yield Potential and Nitrogen Response.
Agron. J. 105:1335-1344.
(several versions) Response
to reviewers (following first submission) |
Arnall |
2013 |
Applied Model for
Estimating Potential Ammonia Loss from Surface Applied Urea
Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 44:2055-2063. |
Macnack |
2012 |
Ability of cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.) to recover from early season nitrogen stress. J. Cotton Sci.
17:70-79. |
Rutto |
2012 |
Use of soil moisture data for refined GreenSeeker sensor based nitrogen
recommendations in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Prec.
Agric. 14:343-356. |
Walsh |
2012 |
Evaluation of a reduced cost, active, NDVI sensor for crop nutrient
management. J. of Sensors. doi:10.1155/2012/582028 |
Crain |
2012 |
Small scale spatial variability in winter wheat production. Commun.
Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 44:2830-2838. |
Crain, Waldschmidt |
2012 |
Generalized Algorithm for
Variable-Rate Nitrogen Application in Cereal Grains |
Solie |
2012 |
Effect of delayed nitrogen fertilization on maize (Zea mays L.) grain
yields and nitrogen use efficiency. J. Plant Nutr. 35:538-555. |
Walsh |
2012 |
I. Effect of delayed emergence on corn grain yields.
J. Plant Nutr.35:480-496. |
Lawles |
2011 |
Indirect selection
for grain yield in spring bread wheat in diverse nurseries worldwide using
parameters locally determined in north-west Mexico. J. Agric. Sci.
doi:10.1017/S0021859611000426. |
Gutierrez |
2011 |
II. Effect of delayed
emergence on corn (Zea mays L.) grain yield. J. Plant Nutr. |
Rutto |
2011 |
By-plant prediction of corn grain yield using optical sensor readings and
measured plant height. J. Plant Nutr. 35: 1429-1439. |
Martin |
2011 |
Red edge as a potential
index for detecting differences in plant nitrogen status in winter wheat.
J. Plant Nutr. 35:1526-1541. |
Kanke |
2011 |
Replicability of nitrogen
recommendations from ramped calibration strips in winter wheat.
J. Prec. Agric. DOI 10.1007/s11119-010-9209-y |
Roberts |
2011 |
Independence of Yield
Potential and Crop Nitrogen Response. J. Prec. Agric.
Response to Reviewers
2011 |
Micronutrient availability as affected by the long-term application of
phosphorus fertilizer and organic amendments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
75 |
Richards |
2011 |
Maize (Zea mays L.) Leaf Angle and Emergence as Affected by Seed
Orientation at Planting. J. Expl. Agric.
Corn (Zea mays L.)
Leaf Angle, Emergence, Light Interception and Yield as Affected by Seed
Orientation at Planting. (PPT) |
Torres |
2011 |
Assessment of the nitrogen management strategy using an optical sensor for
irrigated wheat. Agron. for Sustainable Development,
Singh |
2010 |
Nitrogen accumulation
in shoots as a function of growth stage of corn and winter wheat.
J. Plant Nutr. 33:165-182. |
Girma/Holtz |
2010 |
Changes in response
indices as a function of time in winter wheat. J. Plant Nutr.
33:796-808. |
Chung |
2009 |
Temporally and Spatially Dependent Nitrogen Management for Diverse
Environments. Wheat Science and Trade. |
Raun |
2009 |
Cereal nitrogen use efficiency in Sub Saharan Africa. J. Plant Nutr.
32:2107-2122. |
Edmonds |
2009 |
In-season optical sensing improves nitrogen-use efficiency for winter
wheat. |
Miao |
2009 |
Effects of weather
conditions on yields at Lahoma, Oklahoma
Torres |
2009 |
The Economic Potential of
Precision Nitrogen Application With Wheat Based on Plant Sensing
Agricultural Economics 40:397-407 |
Biermacher |
2009 |
A generational
recommitment to abolishing world hunger. CSA News, 54:21-22. (on page 21,
CSA news link)
Borlaug |
2009 |
Estimation of Yield and Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Wheat Using a
Hand-held Optical Sensor in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of South Asia.
Agron. J.
Gupta |
2008 |
Improving Mid-Season Nitrogen Recommendations for Winter Wheat Using
Soil Moisture Data. Better Crops:93:26-27. |
Walsh |
2008 |
Economic feasibility of
site specific optical sensing for managing nitrogen fertilizer for
growing wheat. Precision Agric. 10.213-230.
Biermacher |
2008 |
Effect of treating field spatial variability in Winter Wheat at different
Resolutions. J. Plant Nutr. 31:1975-1998. |
Tubana |
2008 |
Determining MId-Season Nitrogen
Rates with Ramp Calibration Strip Technology. Better Crops. 92:16-17 |
Edmonds |
2008 |
Ramp Calibration Strip Technology
for Determining Midseason Nitrogen Rates in Corn and Wheat. Agron . J.
100:1088-1093. |
Raun |
2008 |
Relationship between Nitrogen Use
Efficiency and Response Index in Winter Wheat (J. Plant Nutr.) (pdf) |
Arnall |
2008 |
Determination of optimum resolution for predicting corn grain yield
using sensor measurements. Arch. Agron. Soil Sci. 54:481-491. |
Chung |
2008 |
Adjusting Midseason
Nitrogen Rate Using a Sensor-Based Optimization Algorithm to Increase
Use Efficiency in Corn. J. Plant Nutrition. 31:1393-1419.
Tubana |
2007 |
Potential Use of Spectral
Reflectance Indices as a Selection Tool for Grain Yield in Winter Wheat
under Great Plains Conditions. Crop Sci. 2007 47: 1426-1440. |
Prasad |
2007 |
Genetic Analysis of Indirect
Selection for Winter Wheat Grain Yield Using Spectral Reflectance
Crop Sci. 2007 47: 1416-1425. |
Prasad |
2007 |
Weather, Fertilizer,
Previous Year Yield, and Fertilizer Levels Affect Ensuing Year
Fertilizer Response of Wheat Agron. J. 2007 99: 1607-1614. (pdf) |
Girma |
2007 |
Effects of Nitrogen Management Practices on Grain Yield, Nitrogen Uptake
and Efficiency in Irrigated Corn (Zea mays L.).
J. Plant Nutr. 30:2021-2036. |
Freeman |
2007 |
Bed and flat planted
dryland winter wheat as influenced by row configuration. Archives of
Agronomy and Soil Science. 53:293-304. (pdf) |
Freeman |
2007 |
Cotton Lint Yield and Quality
as Affected by Cultivar and Long-Term Applications of N, P, and K
Fertilizers (J. Cotton Science, 11:12-19). (pdf) |
Girma |
2007 |
Winter Wheat Grain Yield and
Grain Nitrogen as Influenced by Bed and Conventional Planting Systems.
(J. Plant Nutr. 30:611-622). (pdf)
(html) |
Freeman |
2007 |
Reduced nitrogen and improved farm
income for irrigated spring wheat in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico, using
sensor based nitrogen management. (J. Agrc. Sci. 145:1-8) |
Ortiz-Monasterio |
2007 |
of spatial variability in corn (Zea mays L.) as influenced by growth
stage using optical sensor measurements (Agron J. 99: 384-389) (pdf) |
Martin |
2007 |
By-Plant Prediction of Corn Forage Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake at
Various Growth Stages Using Remote Sensing and Plant Height Measures
(Agron J. 99:530-536) (pdf) |
Freeman |
2007 |
The Magruder Plots,
Untangling the Puzzle. (Agron J. 1191-1198) |
Girma |
2007 |
Use of In-Season Reflectance for Predicting Yield Potential in
Bermudagrass Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 38:1519-1531. (pdf) |
Mosali |
2007 |
Analysis of Yield
Variability in Winter Wheat Due to Temporal Variability, and Nitrogen
and Phosphorus Fertilization. Arch. Agron. Soil Sci. 53:435-442. (pdf) |
Girma |
2007 |
Responsive in-season nitrogen
management for cereals. Computers and Electronics in Agric.
61:51-62. |
Shanahan |
2007 |
Determination of Optimum
Rate and Growth Stage for Foliar Applied Phosphorus in Corn.
Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. |
Girma |
2006 |
Spectral Reflectance to Estimate
Genetic Variation for In-Season Biomass, Leaf Chlorophyll, and Canopy
Temperature in Wheat. Crop Sci. 2006 46: 1046-1057. |
Babar |
2006 |
Spectral Reflectance Indices as a
Potential Indirect Selection Criteria for Wheat Yield under Irrigation
Crop Sci. 2006 46: 578-588. |
Babar |
2006 |
Expression of Yield
Potential of Wheat through Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer (J. of
Agric. Sciences) |
Girma |
2006 |
Bed and Flat
Planted Dryland Winter Wheat as Influenced by Row Configuration
(Archives of Agronomy and Soil Sciences). |
Freeman |
2006 |
In-season prediction of
corn grain yield potential using normalized difference vegetation index
(Agron. J. 98:1488-1494)(pdf) |
Teal |
2006 |
In-season estimation of
grain sorghum yield potential using a hand-held optical sensor. (J.
Plant Nutr.) |
Moges |
2006 |
Spectral reflectance
indices as a potential indirect selection criteria for wheat yield under
irrigation. Crop Sci. 46:578-588. (pdf) |
Babar |
2006 |
Analysis of yield variability
in winter wheat due to temporal variability, and nitrogen and phosphorus
fertilization. Arch. Agron. Soil Sci. 53:435-442.
Girma |
2006 |
Mid-Season Prediction of
Wheat Grain Yield Potential Using Plant, Soil, and Sensor Measurements.
J. Plant Nutr. 29:873-897 (pdf) |
Girma |
2006 |
Mid-Season Recovery to Nitrogen
Stress in Winter Wheat J. Plant Nutr. 29:727-745 (pdf) |
Brixey-Morris |
2006 |
Maximum benefit of a precise
nitrogen application system for wheat. Precision Agric. 7:193-204. |
Biermacher |
2006 |
Relationship Between
Coefficient of Variation Measured by Spectral Reflectance and Plant
Density at Early Growth Stages J. Plant Nutr. 29:1983-1997 (pdf) |
Arnall |
2006 |
Response of Winter Wheat to
Chloride Fertilization in Sandy Loam Soils. Commun. Soil Sci.
Plant Anal. 37:1947-1955. (pdf) |
Freeman |
2005 |
Effect of Tillage and
Anhydrous Ammonia Application on Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Hard Red
Winter Wheat (Accepted, J. of Sustainable Agriculture) |
Teal |
2005 |
Plant to Plant
Variability in Corn Production (Agron. J. 97:1603-1611) (pdf) |
Martin |
2005 |
Effect of Foliar Application of Phosphorus on Winter
Wheat Grain Yield, Phosphorus Uptake and Use Efficiency J. Plant
Nutr. 29: 2147 - 2163 (pdf) |
Mosali |
2005 |
Relationship Between Response
Indices Measured In-Season and at Harvest in Winter Wheat. J.
Plant Nutr. 28:221-235. |
Hodgen |
2005 |
Forage and Grain Yield Response to Applied Sulfur in Winter Wheat as
Influenced by Source and Rate. J. Plant Nutr. 28:1541-1553. |
Girma |
2005 |
Growth Stage, Development, and Spatial Variability in Corn Evaluated Using
Optical Sensor Readings J. Plant Nutr. 28:173-182 (pdf) |
Raun |
2005 |
Optical Sensor Based Algorithm
for Crop Nitrogen Fertilization Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.
36:2759-2781 (pdf) |
Raun |
2004 |
Indirect Estimates of Soil
Electrical Conductivity for Improved Prediction of Wheat Grain Yield.
Commun. Soil Sci. Plan Anal. 35: 2639-2653 |
Humphreys |
2004 |
Evaluation of Green, Red, and Near
Infrared Bands for Predicting Winter Wheat Biomass, Nitrogen Uptake and
Final Grain Yield J. Plant Nutr. 27:1431-1441. |
Moges |
2004 |
Calibration Stamp Technology for Improved In-Season Nitrogen Fertilization
Agron J. 97:338-342. (pdf) |
Raun |
2004 |
By-Plant Precision Sensing
for Variable Nitrogen Rate Application in Corn
Agriculture Conference, St Paul Minnesota, July 2004 |
Teal |
2004 |
Increasing Cereal Nitrogen Use Efficiency Using Sensor Based Technology
AAPRESID Presentation,
Argentina, Aug 2004 (Pictures On-Line of Agustin Bianchini and Jerry
PPT presentation
PPT presentation
Video Presentation from
Oral Presentation in Rosario, Argentina |
Raun |
2004 |
Sun, H.Y.,
S.P. Deng, and W.R. Raun. 2004. Bacterial community structure and
diversity in a century-old manure-treated agroecosystem. Appl. Environ.
Micro. 70:5868-5874. |
Sun |
2003 |
Nitrogen Balance in the Magruder Plots Following 109 Years in Continuous
Winter Wheat J. Plant Nutr. 26:1561-1580.
(pdf) |
Davis |
2003 |
Late-season prediction of wheat grain yield and grain protein. Commun.
Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34:1837-1852. |
Freeman |
2003 |
Nitrogen Response Index as a Guide to
Fertilizer Management J. Plant Nutr.
(pdf) 26:249-262. |
Johnson |
2003 |
Identifying an In-Season Response Index and the Potential to Increase
Wheat Yield with Nitrogen (pdf)
Agron J. 95:347-351 |
Mullen |
2003 |
Parham, J.A., S.P. Deng, H.N. Da,
H.Y. Sun, and W.R. Raun. 2003. Long-term cattle manure application in
soil: II. Effect on soil microbial populations and community structure.
Biol and Fertility of Soils. 38:209-215. |
Parham |
2003 |
Canopy reduction and legume interseeding in irrigated continuous corn. J.
Plant. Nutr. 26:1335-1343. |
Humphreys |
2002 |
Influence of late-season foliar
nitrogen applications on yield and grain nitrogen in winter wheat.
Agron. J. 94:429-434. (pdf) |
Woolfolk |
2002 |
Within Field Variability in Wheat Grain Yields Over Nine Years in
Oklahoma. J. Plant Nutr. 25:2655 |
Washmon |
2002 |
Relationship Between Ammonium and Nitrate in Wheat Plant Tissue and
Estimated Nitrogen Loss. J. Plant Nutr. 25:1429-1442 |
Cossey |
2002 |
Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Cereal Grain
Production with Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Application.
Agron J. 94:815-820. |
Raun |
2002 |
Production System Techniques to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Winter
Wheat J Plant Nut. 25: 2261-2283. |
Thomason |
2002 |
Real-Time Sensing and N
Fertilization with a Field Scale GreenSeeker Applicator
Solie |
2001 |
Estimated land area increase
of agricultural ecosystems to sequester excess atmospheric carbon
dioxide. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:1803-1812. (pdf) |
Wright |
2001 |
Field Element Size for Maximum Yields in Winter Wheat Using Variable
Nitrogen Rates
Plant Nutr. 24:313-325
(pdf) |
LaRuffa |
2001 |
Nitrogen Fertilization Optimization Algorithm
Based on In-Season Estimates of Yield and Plant Nitrogen Uptake
Plant Nutr. 24:885-898
Lukina |
2001 |
In-Season Prediction of Yield Potential Using Wheat
Canopy Reflectance, Agron.
J. 93:131-138
Raun |
2001 |
Effect of Chloride
Fertilizers and Lime on Wheat Grain Yield and Take-All Disease J.
Plant Nutr. 24:683-692 |
Thomason |
2000 |
Increased plant N loss with increasing nitrogen applied in winter wheat
observed with 15N. J. Plant Nutr. 23:219-230. |
Lees |
2000 |
Winter wheat fertilizer nitrogen use
efficiency in grain and forage production systems. J. Plant Nutr.
23:1505-1516. |
Thomason |
2000 |
Effect of Growth Stage and
Variety on Spectral Radiance in Winter Wheat J. Plant Nutr.
23:141-149 |
Sembiring |
1999 |
Estimating vegetation coverage in wheat using digital images. J. Plant Nutr.
22:341-350. |
Lukina |
1999 |
Winter wheat and cheat seed
response to foliar nitrogen applications. J. Plant Nutr. 22:1541-1549. |
Phillips |
1999 |
Alfalfa Yield Response to
Nitrogen Applied After Each Cutting. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
63:1237-1243 |
Raun |
1999 |
Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Cereal Production Agron. J. 91:357-363
Response to Reviewers
Keeney 1982
Justification 6th most cited AJ paper, 1892-pres.
Raun |
1999 |
Prediction of Yield Potential in Winter Wheat
83:(2) 24-25 |
Raun |
1999 |
Submeter Spatial Variability of Selected Soil
and Plant Variables Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:1724-1733 |
Solie |
1999 |
Bermudagrass Response
to High Nitrogen Rates, Source and Season of Application. Agron. J.
91:438-444. |
Taylor/Osborne |
1999 |
Estimate Increase in
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Due to worldwide decrease in Soil Organic
Matter |
Mullen |
1999 |
Relationship Between Mean
Yield, Coefficient of Variation, Mean Square Error and Plot Size in Wheat
Field Experiments. Commun.
Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 30:1439-1447 |
Taylor/Osborne |
1998 |
Detection of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrient Status in Winter Wheat
Using Spectral Radiance. J. Plant Nutr. 21:1207-1233. |
Sembiring |
1998 |
Detection of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrient Status in Bermudagrass
Using Spectral Radiance. J. Plant Nutr. 21:1189-1206. |
Sembiring |
1998 |
Use of Spectral Radiance for Correcting Nitrogen Deficiencies and
Estimating Soil Test Variability in an Established Bermudagrass Pasture.
J. Plant Nutr. 21:2287-2302. |
Taylor/Osborne |
1998 |
of Long-Term N fertilization on Soil Organic C and total N in continuous
Wheat Under Conventional Tillage in Oklahoma.
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